Idea: T-shirts, Stickers for NFT Designs. Nowadays we have only NFT for a collection, what if we have a service where users can buy NFT and our service can use this NFT to print logos on t-shirts/ Laptop covers?

Services we can offer :

  1. Stickers
  2. Laptop Skins / Stickers
  3. Mobile covers
  4. T-shirts

Workflow for this NFT service:

  • We can upload a good design.
  • Users can purchase this NFT.
  • We can publish products for this design.
  • Customers can purchase products and get a direct cut.
  • The user will get the cut for the same.


How we can decide how many prints or products we have to print or produce.


NFT buyers can also promote this because they have the benefit of having a cut/commision on the products. 


  • Movies / Sports Team / Franchise can create NFT and promote their stuff.