After upgrading my phone from ginger bread to jelly beans i am trying news app frequently. In this trying i found 3 app which i am using from last 2 months and these are  must have app for your phone.

  1. Aviate (Launcher)
    I tried lots of launcher like go launcher , nova, smartlauncher ..etc but aviate is simple and easy to use. It change your android experience.
    Why i like aviate :
  2. Less customization.
  3. More categorization.
  4. Increase productivity. Yes it is!


Tips for new user :
It is whole new concept in launcher so initially you find it is very annoying. But try it for at-least 7 days. Believe me you are going to love it.

2. Wunderlist (Todo)
In this category i tried lots of todo like , google keep, todist , evernote. But for me wunderlist is the todo which complete my necessity .


My use case for Todo lists :

  1. Keep my daily todo (Office todo separately )
  2. Keep my recursive (monthly) todo
  3. Keeping my notes.
  4. It should be available in every platform.

So for above all cases wunderlist is best option.

3.Pocket ( read it later)
This app help me to save my article to read it later. Before pocket i tried to save link in one sheet or i make it bookmark, that is horrible and i never read that links. Pocket is filling this gap.

How pocket is useful to me

  1. I can save article using browser plugin or from my mobile for read it later.
  2. It works with my twitter too. (Web and yes with twitter mobile app)
  3. Yo ! It is available for my laptop and android too.
  4. I am using this pocket as a rss reader. Thanks to ifttt.

PS: All apps helps me to increase my productivity